By Scott McLay at A lot has changed since I got into link building a few years ago – link exchange is dead, ad banners are no longer all about gaining referral traffic, and buying links is more dangerous than ever before. Because of the changes mentioned and a […]
Google Panda Update & Google guidance on building high-quality websites – Google Webmaster Central Blog
In recent months we’ve been especially focused on helping people find high-quality sites in Google’s search results. The “Panda” algorithm change has improved rankings for a large number of high-quality websites, so most of you reading have nothing to be concerned about. However, for the sites that may have been […]
10 Things To Consider When Searching For A Professional SEO Company
Nowadays, it seems that everyone does search engine optimization, or at least make the claim. But it’s more than just developing good content and slapping on a few meta tags. True website search engine optimisation takes a lot of research, implementation, monitoring, and time. It truly is its own service. […]
URL Shorteners and SEO – Will Google considers shortened URLs while giving PR and Banklink benefits?
As now a days everybody in the online marketing industry are well aware about many URL shorteners like,, etc… But one question comes in their mind every time they use such tool or website to shorten their long URLs is that “Will Google considers such shortened URLs […]
ad:tech New Delhi 2011 – Interactive Advertising an Digital Marketing Exhibition and Conference by ad:tech at New Delhi
Hello Friends, I recently got to know about a good event on Interactive Advertising an Digital Marketing by ad:tech at New Delhi. If you want to have good knowledge about the SEO, SEM, SMO, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Interactive Advertising, Digital Marketing and many more things then you must attend that event. There you can […]
Google Panda Update/Google’s Farmer Update and what it Means to Your Business
Google announced what may ultimately be one of the biggest changes to their algorithm yet. From the Official Google Blog: “Many of the changes we make are so subtle that very few people notice them. But in the last day or so we launched a pretty big algorithmic improvement to […]
Building SEO, Search Engine & User friendly website – Presentation by Dilip Rajpurohit at Google Birthday Celebration Event
Presentation on “Building SEO, search engine & user friendly website” given by me (Dilip Rajpurohit) on the day of “Google L & F 2010 – Learn with Fun – Full Day Event” on date 19th September 2010 held at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India to make awareness about core relationship between SEO, […]