Google Plus One

When Google+ was first launched, marketers were unaware of its potential and the impact it will have on the SEO market. But with the passage of time it became clear that google+ is going to be an essential part in the online marketing of brands. Google being the giant in the search industry sorts out content from Google+ to its search results. It is gaining momentum in the SEO world as well. So it will be profitable for if you maintain an active profile on Google+, even if your audience may not be there for you. The following points will give a detailed explanation as to why google+ is vital criteria for SEO ranking:

1. Google+ was launched in the month of March 2011. Initially it was limited to the google profiles only but recently they have covered the whole of web and the +1 bottom seems to be everywhere. Google effectively uses the +1 bottom to tweak its search results. Whenever a user clicks a +1 bottom it reflects that they recommend and trust that site, Google+ uses this information to rank the Search results. Google also stresses that the +1 feature enable users to share and discover relevant content from the community of people they already know. Each +1 vote comes from a unique IP address and from verified user accounts. Make sure you have the +1 bottom enabled on all of your website pages and particularly on the home page. All you need to do is add few sections of coding in your site to connect your site with your google+ profile.

2. Starting off you should set up a business page instead of a personal user account. The page should discuss reader specific topics. For example, you can create a page “android for pc” to discuss the latest and hot in the market.  Pages have the tendency to rank higher as compared to other profiles, which may have more than a hand full of followers. But as per google+ guidelines you need to open an account before creating a business page, also known as ‘brand pages’. After the page has been created, try to optimize the title of the page. The name of the google+ page will be used in the title of the page and title tags are important with respect to on page optimization. Try putting relevant keywords in there. The Meta description comes in next, it lies below your title. You should definitely include keywords in there to help you rank better. Fill all other relevant information about your page that google+ might take into consideration.

3. Try updating your profile content as often as possible. An update in google+ page will last maximum for three days, and then it loses its value. As long as you make your audience believe that something is happening on your page; you will never lose them. And google will be also keen to rank you higher. Stay active to gain added advantage in search results.

For better results promote your page on other online media, remember a google+ page will be as good as the number of people that have them in their circles. Their +1 will count most valuable for your search engine rankings. The +1 vote is indirectly related to your rankings but don’t neglect the traditional SEO ranking methodologies. They are as important as the other Google+ features.

About the author: Brianne is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on technology. Beside this she is fond of gadgets. Recently an article on portable microwave attracted her attention. These days she is busy in writing an article on Amazon cloud drive.