Using SEO is an optimum way for businesses to gain more customers via their website. Whether your site sells goods or is just a point of contact, getting people to view it is key. The more people who view your site, the more likely it is they’ll make a purchase/contact you. Using SEO can be tricky if you don’t know how, so read on for help!


Does my site need SEO?
Before we get into the ins and outs of using SEO, you might want to check if your site needs it. Not all necessarily need SEO as much as others. It depends on business needs and goals. For help in finding out if your business needs SEO, click here.

Use Analytics
Using analytics for your site is a great way to find out all the need-to-know stats. SEO revolves around keywords. By using web analytics tools, you can see which keywords users are searching for, that lead them to your site. You can then start using these keywords on your site to attract more visitors.

As mentioned, SEO revolves around keywords. Once you’ve identified which keywords are the most popular and relevant to your site, you can start utilizing them. Add the keywords to your page URL or the title of any page. You should also look to include keywords in the main content of the page. For example, you (should) have a page with information on your business. Adding correct keywords to the body of the text improves SEO.

Hire An Expert
Some businesses might struggle to handle SEO internally, so need to look elsewhere. Look for a search engine optimization company to give you more information and help you. Hiring a company lessens your workload and frees you up to focus on other aspects of your business.

Use Local SEO
Local SEO refers to the search results when looking for something locally. If someone is searching for an accountancy firm in the town they live, then the first results will be of local firms. Local SEO uses Google maps to show your location as well. This is handy for businesses who don’t necessarily operate online. By which I mean, they have a website, but the services they offer require you to meet in person. It’s a good way for local people to find your business.

Without SEO, consumers searching for your business struggle to find it in search results. If you appear on anything other than the first page of results, your chances of being seen are decreased dramatically. Without SEO, people will only find your business on the first page by searching extremely specifically. So, unless they know the exact name of your business/web page, it’s highly unlikely they’ll find you. Web searches are still the primary way for people to find things on the internet. Think about it, if you’re looking for a business, you search for key terms in Google/Bing, etc. If you want to grow as a business, online, you’ll need to use SEO.