Business Website DesigningIt would be virtually impossible to define the most successful website design company in UK markets. You’d have to ask individual clients about their satisfaction with the service they received and you’d have to create some kind of extraordinarily complex metrics to test the SEO success of the sites built. Plus, you’d need to interact with the site’s end users to find out how satisfactory they found the site – on PCs, laptops, mobile devices and TVs.

Clearly, one definition of a successful design company in any sphere is simply the number of people, who continue to use its services. We can, for example, say with some confidence that a website design company, whose customers keep using it rather than jumping ship and going to someone else, is a company, whose services are appreciated by the first end user; that is, the company or person commissioning the site design.

We can also say, with an equally reasonable amount of confidence, that websites that enjoy a regularly large number of visitors, whose calls to action are routinely taken up by enough people that profits continue to rise, are successful enough. Though here it must be noted that success is a relative term: is, for example, a site that ticks over a decent profit as successful as one that makes less actual money but enjoys more regular visitors?

To answer this question, we need to ask what the purpose of the site was in the first place. This is a key point, when we think about the most successful web design company in UK markets or indeed in any market. Making a site that achieves its stated objectives equated to the performance of a successful service – and while most clients would probably love to have a site that directly makes money for them; in reality, there are many more reasons to build a website.

Modern web design, as you can tell by watching this video here, is increasingly interested in the idea of branding. Branding is different from direct sales, in that, it seeks to recoup a long term return on investment by creating fans of a label rather than one-hit instances of online purchasing.

So, many websites designed by the modern web designer aren’t necessarily intended to make a hard sell. Rather, they are there to give a brand a platform on which it can create something much more valuable than a single sales instance. They are there to let brands and consumers interact in full view of their fellow web users – discussing new products, resolving customer service issues and providing a resource that fans of a label will return to again and again.

The success of this kind of endeavour is extremely difficult to quantify. It is probably fair to say that if Google hadn’t made its move towards acting “more human” (providing results that are more like social media recommendations and less like direct sales pitches), then web design companies wouldn’t have needed to move into building these more sophisticated sites. But it did and they have. So, measuring success is something that takes time.