When it comes to video marketing, a lot of people make the mistake of taking a one-size-fits-all approach. What that means is that they only make a video for one particular person in mind, or they do not consider the different type of people that might benefit from this information. This is especially true when it comes to creating videos for those with disabilities. Video marketers should consider inclusive marketing approach when they plan their videos, which will allow them to reach a wider audience and not leave anyone out. Here is a look at what inclusive marketing entails and how it can be applied. 


What is Inclusive Marketing? 

Inclusive marketing is going outside a prepackaged approach that has been the standard for many years. Inclusive marketing recognizes that all people are different, even those within the same demographics. After all, not all women between the ages of 18-40 think the same, nor are they the same race or sexuality. In a sense, inclusive marketing can be referred to as marketing to certain demographics without relying on stereotypes to fulfill its message. But it does not stop there. 

What Else Does Inclusive Marketing Entail? 

Inclusive marketing does not simply look at race, age, gender or sexuality. It also goes beyond that by taking into consideration people with disabilities. In order to reach certain demographics, thought has to be made on how that video can be accessible to someone that perhaps has an auditory disability. One thing that a clever marketer does to make their videos more inclusive is to look at closed captioning services in order for those that are hearing impaired to still follow along with the video and gain use from the information provided. 


One big mistake people make about inclusive marketing is that they feel there is a simple solution to the issue. So what is their idea? They simple cast a person of color in their video, or perhaps they ask a female colleague for input, then call it a day. But that approach is not only insulting, it goes against what inclusive marketing truly is. Inclusive marketing actually does take some time and effort, and marketers need to be proactive in their approach. That way they not only become inclusive, but also not end up with a product that is simply offensive to all those involved. 

So What is There to Do? 

The best video marketers understand that the world is a diverse place. They know that many people live on this Earth, and they are going to try and reach every single one of them. Good video marketers know how to do their research in order to find the best way to display their message to a diverse audience, and also find ways to make them more accessible. Remember, the goal is to include, not alienate. 

With the advancement of such sites as YouTube, marketers are realizing that video marketing is the way to go. However, when it comes to video marketing, some people still think in terms of one group or going for one demographic. What they fail to realize is that there is a giant world out there full of different people, and each one needs to feel as though they are a part of what you are trying to say. That is where inclusive marketing comes in. In order to do this the right way, video marketers need to do their research and find ways that they can reach different types of people. They also need to look into ways of making their videos more accessible to those with disabilities. That way everyone can benefit.