
Email marketing is one of the hugely popular ways of marketing your solutions over the internet. However, most email service providers have invested in powerful spam filters, the European Union has created tougher rules on opt-in emails, and mobile phones have changed the email landscape. All these challenges make it hard for you to reach your target audience effectively.

Even when you have access to the target clients, your emails may just be lying in the mailboxes or to the recycle bin without getting any attention. Here are a few tips on getting some flesh out of an email marketing campaign.

Start the email campaign right

• Make it easy to signup
Make it very easy for the potential clients to subscribe to your emails. Have an intuitive signup form in all the places that you can find them. This may be your blog, on social media or your main site. Try to collect the right names and other personal information such as birthdays for ease in email marketing. Avoid asking too much information as it may discourage potential subscribers to sign up.

• Welcome your subscribers
Having opted-in to your email marketing does not mean that the potential client is going to read your mail. You must pull him or her to read the mail. Send all your email subscribers a short welcome email thanking them for subscribing to the email service and reminding them of what to expect from you.

Make reading fun
Your mail is not the right place to describe all the items of your new electronics line. Make reading your message easy and fun by breaking down long paragraphs and mixing fun ideas with the product descriptions. Ensure that you include high-quality images and catchy words in your script. Overall, avoid hitting the hundred-word mark in your write-up.

Determine the outcome that you desire in the message that you put across. Most marketers would like the recipients to buy the products therein. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. You may consider incentives to make them pass the email to friends or give their views in response.

Know when to send that email
The industry and the target market determine when you can send that mail. However, the long-standing assertion that mornings are the best times to have the emails read was challenged by research done in late 2012 across several industries. According to Vertical Response email marketing study, most of the recipients were surprisingly active between 8 pm and midnight with open rates hitting over 21% followed by emails 12 am to 4 am emails that had open rates of over 17%. These two groups also had the highest click through rates.

In 2015, the same group found that over 50% of the emails were opened using mobile devices. This explained the high open rates after the normal working hours. Interestingly, emails sent over the weekend had the highest open and click through rates even if a few emails were sent during the time. Given the workflow during the working hours, most of the members of the working class do not read marketing emails during business hours.

In determining when to send the emails, test the response rates at different times of the day and different days of the week. Come up with a table of the click-through rates and open rates. Use the feedback to determine when to send the emails.

You shouldn’t rely on email marketing to do all of the heavy lifting for you. Make sure you have multiple marketing channels that can work alongside one another and boost each other. For example, social media is a more modern way of marketing yourself, whilst telecommunications also work well when combined with SIP technology – visit website here to learn more.

Segment your Emails marketing campaign
Email marketing continues to beat other apps and channels in bringing in opt-in traffic. In fact, according to a study by McKinsey and Company, email marketing leads in garnering more leads and sales than the biggest social media sites combined. The social media sites will still email you when you get new followers.

The secret in the putting together a successful is email segmentation- the division of the email list into several groups depending on such characteristics industry, preferences, and demographics. The practice enables you personalize your information and give the audience the information they need at the time. Most of your recipients are more likely to click on an email that gives them information that interests them and not just general information.

When done right, email marketing has the potential of bringing qualified leads and repeat customers to the business. Thus, plan your campaign beforehand and ensure that the points above are followed.