SEO and Search Engine Friendly Website Designing IntelligenceWebsite designing is technical and creative work in the information & technology field by the designers, which helps the information to get represented most appealingly. Website designer needs to be very conscious about all the technical and non technical aspects of the website designing. Website designing is the art of placing text, graphics and other website elements in the most striking way to catch the attention of internet users. This is why WordPress is so popular among bloggers and business owners. It’s simple, yet professional design can help make their websites more appealing and accessible to their customers and readers. It also gives its users the option to pick from various themes or give them the choice to hire a wordpress designer to create a custom-made website

It is all about design of the website, which works to attract the visitors in first glance, but also there are many responsible factors of good website designing. A well-designed website is not only producing a beautiful visualization, but also functions fast to ease the user. The common goal of any designer is to attract the visitor and to retain him/her for long as possible on the page. So, whether you’re getting a website designed in Greensboro or London, the aim of the designer should be the same. They all want the user to stay on the page for as long as possible. According to intellectuals of the web, most of the internet surfers use to surf the web without any aim, so your website design should be enough appealing to make the visitor spend as much as time on your website. There are certain things, which a good professional website designer keeps in mind before designing any website.

The balance of images, text and other stuff on the website should not exceed to a certain limit as heavy web page takes more than average time to download, according to researches an average time of staying of any visitor on the page is about six to eight seconds, so easy & quick downloading is the first priority of every common internet user. Text must be easy to read, appropriate text size, text color, and background color makes the stuff easily readable. Designing of the web page is intelligence that makes the visitor so busy in moving further through good navigating system, which does not allow visitors to think for next step, he should experience the flow of moving further frequently. Following a professional designing intelligence, a good web designer use to avoid more banners on web page and exclude them from the designing plan, as according to web intellectuals and researches people does not like more banners on the page. Once your website has been created, it doesn’t end there. You need to keep on top of website maintenance to ensure that it is up to date and bug free, of course you could always outsource this task to somewhere like Love Your Site.

There are also certain very significant points come under intelligent designing such as building up confidence in the visitors mind with good “about us” page, “contact us” information and site security information at right place on the home page. For instance in the designing of eCommerce website information related to “how to buy” must be at easy to click position on the page. Hence, Website designing is an intelligent combination of technical and non technical awareness.

A website should initially be searched out by visitors before talking about attracting or retaining those visitors. At the present time, a well designed website does not only relate to a web sites visual attractiveness but more importantly, how friendly it is with search engines. And when we talk about having website friendly with different search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask etc… we should think about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendliness of that website as SEO is very much important to get good traffic/visitors, ranking etc..

Search Engine & SEO Friendly Website Design Guidelines

Below are a few Google SEO tips and search engine optimization strategies to improve Google ranking of a new website in the organic search results. When determining the best Google SEO strategies for a website, start by checking whether it is search engine friendly. This is a measure of how well internal website content is designed and targeted and how easy it is for search engine spiders to crawl and index individual web pages. When checking your own website, pay particular attention to internal links and the design of your website navigation system. If your business is demanding too much of you and there are not enough hours in the day to dedicate to your web design, reach out to a company that specializes in website design in bristol, or wherever you may be based. Not only will they be able to help you, but they may also know a thing or two about local SEO which could make your website perform even better. Anyhow, here are some useful tips to help in developing a search engine friendly website:-

Check Website Navigation to ensure that all pages of your web site can be found and indexed by Google. Problems with website navigation and internal linking can adversely effect SEO and lead to much reduced website traffic.

Avoid JavaScript Web Navigation Systems – The use of JavaScript navigation systems can cause problems by preventing search engine spiders from fully indexing (crawling) the content of your website. If your website uses JavaScript DHTML navigation system, ensure that you implement a static text link sitemap to allow full website access to search engine spiders, allowing them to find and index all your content.

Avoid Frames – As SEO experts, we continually advise clients to avoid using Frames based web design. There’s no doubt that Frames make for bad SEO by causing website accessibility and usability problems. Even a well optimized web site design will struggle to achieve a high search engine ranking, compared to a non Frames web site design, even with proper use of the tag for alternative content. Consider an example of where the navigation system of a website is in Frame A and the page content is in Frame B. In the example (above) the Page Content Frame (B) is now search engine indexed as a totally different page to the Navigation Frame (A). Hence when visitor&#8217;s reach the content Frame from organic search results they are left without any website navigation as the Frameset is not constructed properly. This is a website accessibility disaster and Frames prove little better for SEO either.</p> <p><strong>Avoid Dynamically Generated Content</strong> &#8211; Dynamically generated page URL&#8217;s (URL&#8217;s including ?, =, &#038;, %) are much harder for some search engines to index. When choosing a Content Management System (CMS) try to pick one which creates static HTML pages like content.htm, content.html, content. asp, content. php or similar, rather than dynamic URLs like the one below:</p> <p>;jsessionid=5C95?s=tSMChYU&#038;i=11&#038;b=11&#038;t=/Default/gateway</p> <p><strong>Importance of Valid HTML Code</strong> &#8211; Implementing valid HTML code will improve search engine friendliness, reducing the likelihood of website crawling and indexing problems. It&#8217;s always worth validating HTML code on the most influential pages of your website. Whilst some HTML errors may not affect the ability of search engine spiders to crawl and index your website; some errors can stop Googlebot in its tracks and cause serious problems including partial website indexing.</p> <p><strong>Avoid Search Engine Spam Penalties</strong> &#8211; to combat keyword stuffing many search engines have implemented spam penalties and filters. Excessive repetition of exact keyword terms, can trigger a keyword stuffing spam penalty. In reality, this is likely to result in the webpage not ranking for the target keyword term, but it can also reduce the Google trust of the website as a whole. Keyword density, as a rule should be kept below 6%. Even 2 &#8211; 3% works well in Google if the website concerned has built up sufficient trust through acquiring quality links.</p> <p><strong>Targeting Website Content</strong> &#8211; It is always essential that each website page has a well written HTML title (80 characters maximum including spaces) and Meta description (maximum length of 250 characters). The Meta description should read well and be designed to attract visitors, not just a list of keywords or spam! The Meta description should depict what the page is about and use the main target keywords in a grammatically correct sentence.</p> <p><strong>Quality Website Copywriting</strong> &#8211; The more original and useful the content of a webpage, the higher it will likely rank in Google. Search engines assess the quality of website copywriting in a number of ways, including the time spent by visitors on a webpage after it has been selected from the SERPS results. In addition, quality original content attracts natural links from other websites to your website which can significantly boost search engine visibility and traffic.</p> <p><strong>Text Link Sitemap</strong> &#8211; Implement a sitemap using static text links (hyperlinks) and link to it using a static hyperlink from your homepage. The sitemap should contain a categorized list of all pages contained in your web site using static text links. The anchor text used for each link should accurately reflect the content of the page concerned using one or two relevant keywords. 10)</p> <p><strong>Create a Google Sitemap</strong> &#8211; We recommend implementing a Google sitemap to inform Google about the relative importance of your content on a page by page basis and how often your website is updated, with a view to encouraging Googlebot to visit your website more often and in a more predictable manner. Submitting a Google sitemap will assist with the Google indexing of your web site. A Google sitemap lets you inform Google which of your web pages are most important and how often your content is updated. This helps to facilitate a smarter Googlebot crawl of your domain and to achieve a fresher Google cache of your URLs.</p> <p><strong>Avoid automatic redirects</strong> &#8211; Avoid a Google penalty by using a 301 re-direct if you intend redirecting visitors to another web site domain. Never use automated Meta Refresh redirects or JavaScript to redirect traffic as Google may incorrectly determine that you are using doorway pages and ban your domain.</p> <p><strong>Avoid Website duplicate content</strong> &#8211; Wherever possible, try to avoid duplicate content on other website domains, duplicate pages (including multiple pages on the same domain with extremely similar content) or mirror sites as these can cause problems with Supplemental Results in Google.</p> <div class="at-below-post addthis_tool" data-url=""></div> </div> <footer class="entry-footer"> <div class="mb-footer-tags"> <span class="tags-links item-metadata categories-list">Tagged in :<span class="categories-list"> <a href="topics/google" rel="tag">google</a> <a href="topics/google-ranking" rel="tag">Google ranking</a> <a href="topics/google-seo-strategies" rel="tag">Google SEO strategies</a> <a href="topics/google-seo-tips" rel="tag">Google SEO tips</a> <a href="topics/organic-search-results" rel="tag">organic search results</a> <a href="topics/search-engine-friendly-website" rel="tag">search engine friendly website</a> <a href="topics/search-engine-friendly-website-designing" rel="tag">Search Engine Friendly Website Designing</a> <a href="topics/search-engine-optimization-strategies" rel="tag">search engine optimization strategies</a> <a href="topics/seo" rel="tag">seo</a> <a href="topics/seo-friendly-website-design-guidelines" rel="tag">SEO Friendly Website Design Guidelines</a> <a href="topics/seo-web-designing" rel="tag">seo web designing</a> <a href="topics/seo-website-designing" rel="tag">seo website designing</a> <a href="topics/website-design" rel="tag">Website Design</a> <a href="topics/website-designing" rel="tag">Website Designing</a></span></span> </div> </footer> </article> <section id="related-articles" class="page-section"> <header class="related-header"> <h2 class="section-title section-title-2"> Related Articles </h2> </header> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="row row-sm"> <div class="col-sm-4"> <figure class="tm-article-item"> <figcaption class="figcaption-1"> <div class="item-metadata item-metadata-1 posted-on"> <a href="2012/01/07"> January 7, 2012 </a> </div> <h3 class="item-title item-title-medium"> <a href="google-algorithm-update-2012-googles-latest-algorithm-changes-they-dont-include-panda.html">Google Algorithm Update 2012 : Google’s Latest Algorithm Changes (They Don’t Include Panda)</a> </h3> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="col-sm-4"> <figure class="tm-article-item"> <figcaption class="figcaption-1"> <div class="item-metadata item-metadata-1 posted-on"> <a href="2012/01/19"> January 19, 2012 </a> </div> <h3 class="item-title item-title-medium"> <a href="seo-tips-and-tricks-things-you-should-and-shouldnt-do.html">SEO Tips and Tricks: Things You Should and Shouldn&#8217;t Do!</a> </h3> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="col-sm-4"> <figure class="tm-article-item"> <a href="the-power-of-maintaining-a-good-online-business-reputation.html"> <span class="data-bg data-bg-3" data-background=""> </span> </a> <figcaption class="figcaption-1"> <div class="item-metadata item-metadata-1 posted-on"> <a href="2017/08/11"> August 11, 2017 </a> </div> <h3 class="item-title item-title-medium"> <a href="the-power-of-maintaining-a-good-online-business-reputation.html">The Power of Maintaining a Good Online Business Reputation</a> </h3> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </section> <nav class="navigation post-navigation" aria-label="Posts"> <h2 class="screen-reader-text">Post navigation</h2> <div class="nav-links"><div class="nav-previous"><a href="explaining-seo-role-for-ceo-cto-web-designer-web-developer-content-editor.html" rel="prev"><span class="meta-nav" aria-hidden="true">Previous</span> <span class="screen-reader-text">Previous post:</span> <span class="post-title">Explaining SEO, Role by Role (SEO for CEO, CTO, Web Designer, Web Developer, Sales Manager, Content Editor..)</span></a></div><div class="nav-next"><a href="9-audiences-your-content-marketing-should-address.html" rel="next"><span class="meta-nav" aria-hidden="true">Next</span> <span class="screen-reader-text">Next post:</span> <span class="post-title">9 Audiences Your Content Marketing Should Address</span></a></div></div> </nav> </main> </div> </div> <aside id="secondary" class="widget-area" role="complementary"> <div class="theiaStickySidebar"> <div id="text-10" class="widget widget_text"><h2 class="widget-title widget-title-1">Submit Guest Post on this Blog</h2> <div class="textwidget"><div align="center"><a href="" title="Write for us. 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