google-mobile-seoHave you ever asked yourself just how powerful your mobile phone might be that you can access the world through a click of your finger? Well, if you have said yes to the question, then you have something in common with search engine optimization (SEO) specialists. There is absolutely no doubt that mobile, and by extension, local search is hot, current and very much utilized nowadays. If you are a smart and savvy digital marketer and business owner, you would take advantage of this.

The fact is mobile SEO is a rather popular topic and for very good reasons. Here’s why and what you can do to maximize the potential of such.

Why mobile SEO?

seo-searchAs mobile and wearable devices are gradually integrating themselves into a consumer’s daily life and with them gradually migrating to a more app-based content, it would be safe to say that traditional websites will be obsolete soon. Rather than relying on information and services provided by search engines, users are consulting third-party applications for most of their functional and informational needs. This is likely to continue as Google is already placing so much emphasis on these third-party applications.

With more and more people relying on their mobile phones and devices for their browsing needs, it only makes perfect sense that the businesses will be the ones garnering the highest visibility and the heaviest traffic. After all, these businesses are pouring the greatest amount of effort in servicing those customers and consumers.

Globally, digital marketers are exerting their every effort to meet the current demand of the consumers for businesses to extend their presence online. So, if locally, we want to stay trendy, relevant and current then you should welcome this expected shift in providing goods and services to meet this challenge. However, what might be true for current trends in mobile SEO today may not necessarily hold true in the future.

What lies ahead

Today, the world of mobile SEO is relatively simple. Having your site optimized for mobile ergo these mobile devices are designed in a way that makes it easily viewable on mobile devices is a sure way to go. You will likely get a ranking boost on mobile searches over those sites that are not exactly mobile-friendly. This is just one value that mobile SEO can presently give your website.

In the future, however, this will hardly suffice and that is likely to change. Speculation is rather easy when it comes to the future of search. There were even a few assertions that mobile device usage could potentially mean the death of SEO altogether. However, when taking your business’s digital marketing strategies in consideration, it is of utmost importance to stay grounded to what is actually discovered known and proven.

This being said, our current data suggests that mobile devices will see a rise in popularity and will become even more diverse in the years to come. With this impending foresight, business will need to change in order to achieve high visibility with these new mobile reliant audiences, consumers, and customers.

What you can do now

  1. Optimize for mobile
    mobile-websiteThis step seems rather unnecessary considering the article is about mobile SEO, but should your website be one of the websites not yet optimized for mobile consider doing so today. If you fail to optimize for mobile devices, you run the risk of being seriously left behind by your competitors. Not to mention, Google may penalize your website if you deliberately ignore its supposedly mobile-friendliness.
  2. Immerse your business in apps
    mobile-appsGet your business involve with as many other apps as you can. If it is applicable and possible, have your very own app as well. Have a profile on every relevant social media platform you can find. Make yourself visible in every local directory and assimilate in as many services as relevant to your business.
  3. Stay updated with the new trends
    trendsRead the news and keep an eye out for the rising trends in the tech industry. This will help you stay current and relevant. Additionally, Google, along with every other search engine and digital service provider, will reward companies who adopt new technologies the fastest and the ones who can improve the overall customer experience.

What we are seeing nowadays is the decline in the use of traditional websites and the rise of app-based browsing. If you still haven’t consider going mobile then, you are purposely pushing yourself behind the competition. Don’t. Optimize now and stay current – be it utilizing other apps or introducing your very own app.

That’s how you improve mobile user experience!