The proof of the pudding is in eating. The adage holds true for almost all the things; and this goes for understanding the scope of digital marketing as well. Become a part of a world that is creatively challenging but fulfilling at the same time, and you know what’s in store as the field is set for exponential growth.

However, there is nothing wrong to analyze a market from some distance before plunging forward full-fledged. So, read on for making better acquaintance with the slightly nascent world of digital marketing.

What’s going on…

There is a lot more hustle bustle going on in the world of marketing, as in advertising and promotion. People, especially ad biggies who were skeptical about the real potential of digital marketing in the last decade are themselves in active mode to screw the juices from this ripe fruit of Internet. The digital space has become quite precious. Target audience are available here not only during prime time (as in the case of TV) but throughout the day, thanks to the gadgets like smartphones and tablets.

Internet- The centrestage of marketing

The talks of giants in the advertising field cue towards the trend of relying more on online platform. Gone are the days when having an online campaign or presence on Facebook, Twitter, etc is not mandatory. Today, no product manufacturer or service provider can even think of staying away from this happening world of Internet marketing. Small digital firms formed by handful of passionate marketing professionals and entrepreneurs in the last decade have now grown both in terms of business and number of employees. Bigger brands are willing to give them a chance, banking upon their passion and the creative challenges accepted by the digital marketing agencies.

Why the earlier skepticism

In India, the demographic is quite challenging and landing on the targeted audience has been a continuous challenge by the brands. The challenge was perceived to be impacting the internet space as well. Moreover, people using Internet are thought to be limited to metro cities only. Another fear factor was misjudging the pro-Internet attitude of users leading to just another disaster like dotcom boom, which had left many companies crippled. The scenario has changed and is improving the opportunities for digital advertising.

The ‘Now’ and ‘Thereafter’

Although corporate world wasn’t much positive about this change, things turned up positively. Digital marketing firms really shook up the roots of traditional marketing, so much so that companies are even experimenting to completely shun promotions through TV in peak festive seasons. The step although daring is a strong indicator what brands have on their mind when it comes to launching campaign. This might have been inspired by the trends in China and Vietnam where exploiting digital space now comes even before TV advertising.

Even before this time, corporate biggies have vouched for digital marketing; Rishad Tobaccowala of Starcom MediaVest Group had projected the Internet taking over radio and print media back in 2003. Things have taken up great speed since then.

Growth in number of firms with their USPs in launching campaigns in digital landscape is a proof of the happening trend. Be a part of this world at the earliest, exploit every scope it adds over the years, and reap professional satisfaction.