When it comes to video marketing, a lot of people make the mistake of taking a one-size-fits-all approach. What that means is that they only make a video for one particular person in mind, or they do not consider the different type of people that might benefit from this information. […]
How Video Marketing Can Go International
Video is one of the most powerful ways to reach your audience, no matter what you are marketing. Millions of viewers eagerly absorb new videos on YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo and lots of other channels every single day. Video gives you a way to convey your message both visually and audibly. […]
5 Ways in Which an InfoGraphic can Increase the Value Of Your Blog
I am quite sure that everyone is aware of the proverb “A picture speaks a thousand words” but what if it is an infographic? Well then you can surely expect it to speak more than a thousand words. Articles with images get 94% more views than the ones that have […]
10 Ways To Use Social Media Sites For Marketing Your Business
In this era of greater and better mobile penetration, almost everyone is resorting to social media platforms for all kind of communications. Be it connecting with friends and family or promoting your business, social media sites can be very effective. Most importantly most of these sites are free and can […]
5 Effective Ways to Drive Higher Content Marketing Engagement
Engagement! The only way to achieve a higher marketing engagement is through your audience’s interest of your subject. And every marketer’s goal is to attract their audience from their contents. Who wouldn’t? But let’s admit! It’s not easy to grab your audience’s attention immediately. In fact, not all marketers can […]
How Can You Improve Your Social Media Presence With Engaging Visual Content? [Infographic]
There may be a number of people out there who would be quick to refute this fact, but did you know that prioritizing more on visual content in your social media endeavors could actually improve your social media growth? This is due to the simple fact that our minds are […]
Top Tips for Designing a Great Website [Infographic]
With the number of Internet users increasing every day, no business – big or small – can afford to neglect its online presence. And when it comes to designing a winning website, you have to go back to the basics, which means that your website should have a responsive design […]